
Doctoral positions within the MSCA Doctoral Network IQ-BRAIN

Application deadline: **12 January, 2025**

New professor position in our group in the domain AI/ML for cultural heritage

Full-time Assistant Professor – Postdoc Research Assistant in the discipline of Belgian Art Links & Tools for Artifical Intelligence

PhD position

We are looking for a talented and highly motivated student to conduct cutting-edge research in trustworthy AI and neuroimaging! The position is within the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Training Network program IQ-BRAIN! The position at GAIM is focuses on robust deep learning techniques for accelerated multi-contrast MRI reconstruction under non-uniform sampling. Geometric deep learning, particularly Graph Neural Networks, will be explored to enable more efficient, non-Cartesian subsampling of the spatial frequency space (k-space) and to leverage non-local similarities during image reconstruction.