Class reconstruction driven adversarial domain adaptation for hyperspectral image classification


We address the problem of cross-domain classification of hyperspectral image (HSI) pairs under the notion of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). The UDA problem aims at classifying the test samples of a target domain by exploiting the labeled training samples from a related but different source domain. In this respect, the use of adversarial training driven domain classifiers is popular which seeks to learn a shared feature space for both the domains. However, such a formalism apparently fails to ensure the (i) discriminativeness, and (ii) non-redundancy of the learned space. In general, the feature space learned by domain classifier does not convey any meaningful insight regarding the data. On the other hand, we are interested in constraining the space which is deemed to be simultaneously discriminative and reconstructive at the class-scale. In particular, the reconstructive constraint enables the learning of category-specific meaningful feature abstractions and UDA in such a latent space is expected to better associate the domains. On the other hand, we consider an orthogonality constraint to ensure non-redundancy of the learned space. Experimental results obtained on benchmark HSI datasets (Botswana and Pavia) confirm the efficacy of the proposal approach.

Pattern recognition and image analysis, 9th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2019, Madrid, Spain, July 1–4, 2019, Proceedings, Part I