Our paper 'Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images via Dictionary Learning With Adaptive Regularization' marked as a highly cited paper in WoS!

Our paper titled ‘Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images via Dictionary Learning With Adaptive Regularization’(S. Huang, H. Zhang & A. Pižurica, TGRS 2022) has been recognized as a highly cited paper in Web of Science (WoS). As of January/February 2024 it has been in the top 1% of the most frequently cited papers in the academic field of Geosciences. We are proud at this recognition of the significant impact and contribution of our research in the field of hyperspectral imaging in geosciences and remote sensing.

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Group for Artificial Intelligence and Sparse Modelling

GAIM’s research is at the intersection of machine learning, signal processing and information theory.
